Charlotte’s artistic journey has been meandering like Water, the personal mythology that evoked her curiosity since childhood. From an education background in physics, design, and engineering, Charlotte found her purpose in life in recent years as an advocate and healer for waters –– both for our planetary waters and inner waters: our emotions. 

She studied physics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. After learning scientific methodologies for questioning nature, she began her exploration of Taoist, shamanistic, feminist, and psychological themes. In 2019, she graduated from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London, UK, with a double master’s degree in Innovation Design Engineering. 

Embodying her Chinese heritage and Western scientific training, Charlotte’s works subtly blend science, nature, and mysticism and take different forms such as painting, performance art, and scientific visualisation. She evokes water as a medium that reveals the essence of life and connects all living beings. Her meditation on water and performance in natural water bodies invite us to rethink our interdependence with nature.
"Water has always been my personal mythology since a young age and it led me to study science, the design of the regenerative systems, and finally, I practice my art to create altars and worship waters. My mission is to rejuvenate our intrinsic connections to waters as a civilisation and touch the hearts of others through my art and the experiences I created through it. 

My work for water intersects spiritualism and activism. I believe artists are healers who are meant to dive into the darkest of this life to strengthen their hearts, deepen their crafts, so that they can shine light to the whole world. The pursue of my independent practice in painting is my path to reconcile my traumas while stepping into my power as a healer for others. 

While half part of my work are breaths of Nature’s water bodies through me, the other half comes from the waters in my bodies, emotions. I diffuse the somatic experiences with a level of abstraction and eroticism to a visual energy field which connect with others who also experience certain level of sensitivity. Similar to climate change happening in the atmosphere, our psyche deserves the same amount of attention to heal from the emotional droughts and dams that has interrupted the free flow of our inner waters, which are meant to purify and nourish us. 

In summary, we need to have a health water culture for both our inner and planetary waters – it is the foundation for building a sustainable future. To create this culture, we need to construct a modern, universal mythology about water that bridges Art and Science and mediates the relationship with more-than-human world."
Obsédée par l'eau depuis son enfance, le parcours artistique de Charlotte Qin a fait des méandres comme l’eau. Charlotte a étudié la physique à l’Université McGill de Montréal, au Canada et à l’Université de Genève, en Suisse. Après avoir suivis un cursus méthodologiques et scientifiques afin d’interroger la nature, elle se lance dans l’exploration de thèmes taoïstes, chamaniques, féministes et psychologiques. En 2019, elle diplôme du Royal College of Art et de l’Imperial College London, au Royaume-Uni, avec un master en ingénierie du design d’innovation. Mêlant son héritage chinois et sa formation scientifique occidentale, les œuvres de Charlotte unissent subtilement la science, la nature et le mysticisme à travers divers medias telles que la peinture, la performance et l’expression scientifique. Elle évoque l’eau comme un médium qui révèle l’essence de la vie et lie tous les êtres vivants.
« Ma mission est de revitaliser notre lien intrinsèque avec l'eau en tant que civilisation à travers l'Art qui transmet des émotions et touche les cœurs. Je crois que une culture de l'eau saine est la base pour construire un avenir durable. Pour créer cette culture, nous devons construire une mythologie moderne et universelle sur l'eau en combinant l'art et la science. Cela résume mon travail - je suis employé par l'eau pour médiatiser cette relation avec les humains. »